Enlightenment basics: what you need to know

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Some core teachings in concise form:

  1. Enlightenment is freedom from suffering
  2. Enlightenment is possible for you
  3. Enlightenment is in essence very simple
  4. Enlightenment does not necessarily require specific training methods, specific practices, specific beliefs or specific teachings. These may or may not be part of the seeker’s journey.
  5. Enlightenment is permanent.
  6. All experiences are transient – they come and they go
  7. Therefore, based on points 3 and 4, enlightenment is not an experience
  8. Enlightenment is already here
  9. Enlightenment appears not to be here due to a false understanding of the way things actually are
  10. Suffering is caused by a false belief or a wrong understanding of the ways things are
  11. The false belief that causes suffering is the belief in the existence of a doer-entity (that has authorship of thoughts and actions) and taking yourself to be that doer entity.
  12. There is no evidence for the existence of the doer.
  13. Enlightenment is simply seeing this belief in being a doer is false.
  14. Enlightenment is seeing that there is no evidence for the existence of the doer entity.
  15. Enlightenment is seeing there is no doer. The belief in the doer then naturally falls away. The belief in the doer is not replaced by another belief such as ‘I am not the doer’, ‘All is one’ or ‘I am pure consciousness’.
  16. Enlightenment is not a new experience/state of higher consciousness or awakening (as per point 7). The experience of being enlightened is the same as the experience of being unenlightened, except in enlightenment the false belief/wrong notion is no longer operating.
  17. Enlightenment is simply seeing things as they actually are
  18. Enlightenment is seeing through all false beliefs about our notion of self
  19. Enlightenment means not forming conclusions about ourselves for which there is no evidence
  20. Enlightenment is not believing ‘I am not the doer’ or ‘there is no doer’ or any other concept of self. These are just more beliefs or ideas.
  21. Enlightenment is seeing there is no evidence for the existence of the doer
  22. After removing all that is false, what remains is truth.
  23. Enlightenment is not the gaining of new ideas or new understandings. It is the falling away of wrong understanding/false beliefs about doership.

8 thoughts on “Enlightenment basics: what you need to know

  1. I respectfully disagree. I don’t think enlightenment is permanent. However, each time when you acknowledge that true and false are mere concepts, they go poof and your suffering from their (imaginary) difference is over. 🙂


    1. Actually, strictly speaking enlightenment is not permanent. It’s the dissolution of a belief. It’s like when you realise Santa Claus does not exist – that realisation is ‘permanent’. When it is seen clearly, you can’t go back to believing in it any more…


      1. But Santa Claus didn’t exist in the first place, even when you still believed in his existence. There is nothing you could possibly ‘go back’ to, because all beliefs are illusion. They consist of thin air, just like other abstract ideas such as ‘enlightenment’, ‘permanent’ and ‘realization’. 🙂


  2. It is the freedom that know the exitenence or not exitenence of thing , illusion or beliefs .It is always there when something ( false I) believed that Santa clause exit or when something laughed that how it believed in that


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